Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Time flies when your having fun!

Not only have I now been living in Hong Kong for just over one year now, I have also abandoned my blog for almost one year, having thought it had only been a few months. It must be true what they say - 'time flies when your having fun'. 

One year summed up in three words: emotional roller coastal. 

Having moved here with no job on 12 August 2012, I very quickly found myself with numerous job offers in my beloved industry, public relations. Not as hard as I thought. It seems Western experience and creativity goes a long way and I soon understood why. 

PR in Hong Kong is more different than I expected at first and it took some time to grasp an understanding of the media landscape, as well as the local working culture. All I can say is Dolly Parton was one lucky woman because working 9 to 5 does not exist in Hong Kong. Hard working or inefficient, you can make your own mind up. 

After six months in a job I can only describe as "a good learning curve" I jumped ship to settle in a more stable environment. 

Working on huge international brands, meeting some amazing people and taking part in events I could only have dreamt about back in Belfast, like Asia's 50 Best Restaurants, has been hugely valuable. 

As much as Hong Kong can be a draining and exhausting living experience and the first seven months weren't the best, I have come to slowly fall in love with a city I am starting to call home.